Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Rector, Jose E Capilla, and UPV Campus de Alcoy Director, Pau Bernabeu visited Ubesol’s facilities last Wednesday, joined by Grupo Ubesol CIO, Mauro Cardona, and Ubesol‘s Plant Director, David González Aguila.
They had the opportunity to see the high-speed manufacturing lines for wet wipes, equipped with the latest technology, which make Ubesol leader in the textile industry on this product category.
At Grupo Ubesol we maintain close collaboration with universities and research centres, with the aim of training and retaining the talent in our communities.
We know success is the result of having the best in each job position, that is why we strive to make all of our workplaces “A Good Place to Work.”
The professionals that are part of Grupo Ubesol are our priority, therefore, we carry out organisational health surveys that allow us to assess the degree of satisfaction in their jobs to find out the aspects in which we can improve.