At Grupo Ubesol we are immersed in an ambitious project, in line with our commitment to consume only renewable energy: the installation of one of the largest photovoltaic plants in our sector.

We have started the construction of 2 new photovoltaic plants in Ubesol (in Atzeneta d’Albaida, Valencia) and Laboratorios Maverick (in Ulldecona, Tarragona), which will have a total of 4,800 solar panels, equivalent to an installed power of 2,600 kWp, and with which we can generate around 3,600 MW annually.

Using solar energy, we will cover 20% of the energy demand of the entire group, which is equivalent to the annual consumption of 1,000 homes in Spain. The forecast is that the installation will be completed during next September and will begin to function at full capacity.

Our Maverick Laboratories plant in San Fernando de Henares already has a photovoltaic plant with 252 plates, equivalent to an installed power of 50 kWp.

The rest of our consumption comes from energy with a “GdO” guarantee of origin certificate, which means it has been generated from renewable energy sources or high-efficiency cogeneration.

With these new solar plants, we contribute to SDGs 7, 9, 12 and 13 and achieve our goal of reducing CO2 emissions and caring for the planet.